Self-Care in the Age of Social Distancing

We certainly are living in uncertain times right now. Our world is looking quite a bit quieter outside, and anxiety-inducing on the internet. I've even felt myself start to go into panic mode momentarily at the grocery store.

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If you are one of the many people who are spending more time at home to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, I encourage you to exercise some self-care. I know a lot of people, even before the pandemic, have been talking about self-care. It seems like more of a buzzword than a thing we do for ourselves. But when we have a lot of time to think, many people spiral into worry. My goal with my self-care suggestions is to help you find steps that can help alleviate stress, which in turn will help keep you healthy.

·         Moisturize your hands after you wash them – It’s been beaten into our heads to wash our hands for at least 20 seconds at a time. I’ve even developed my own “happy birthday” dance after singing it so many times in the recent weeks. Your hands are most likely going to get chapped from multiple washings. If you don’t already have a hand lotion next to your sink, I’m sure you have a sample bottle hiding in a cabinet that you can stick next to your sink. Your super clean hands will thank you.

·         Drink your water – If you really need a list of why this is good for you, click this link.

·         Add in some loving movement – During your latest Netflix binge session, get up and stretch. Consider adding some yoga (I hear the Yoga with Adriene YouTube Channel is fantastic). Or try some body-weight exercises like squats and push-ups! Or just put on your favorite tune and dance like no one is watching! Maybe your partner or cat will be viewing, but they are already used to your weirdness.

·         Try meditation – It doesn't even need to take that long. You can get many benefits from just 10 minutes! Go to YouTube to search "10-minute mindfulness meditation," or download an app like Headspace or Insight Timer, both of which have free options.

·         Soak in the bath – Take some "me time" and take an extended soak in the tub. At some point, you were probably gifted a bath bomb, so now is a prime time to utilize it.

·         Read a book – In the bath or on the couch, reading can take you to another time and place. And for those avid book collectors, this is what you’ve been waiting for!

·         Take a social media break – It's good to take a break from the vitriol that often pops up in our news feeds. Sometimes the more I read online, the more anxious I get. Just closing the Facebook tab for a couple of hours takes a weight off my chest. I hope you try it too!

·         Call a family member or friend – We often get so swept up in our worlds that we neglect to keep in touch with our loved ones, so now can be a great time to take advantage of the extra time. Plus, they may be anxious too. 

·         Cook your favorite meal – Since restaurant dining rooms are closed, why not take this time to cook your favorite meal? You will know exactly where the ingredients come from. You can make it as healthy (or as unhealthy) as you want. You can keep it simple with grilled cheese and tomato soup. Or use this time to experiment with a new dish. Is cooking not your style? How about baking some cookies! An added bonus to making your own food is that your kitchen will end up smelling great!

·         Organize an area – Well, of course, the organizer is going to suggest taking the time to organize an area! By tidying a cluttered space, you will feel lighter when you see the end results. I'm not even suggesting tackling a large decluttering project. Just taking a look for a "hot spot" surface, one that catches a lot of items, and clearing that off will make a tremendous impact. For ideas on some small organizing projects to tackle, read this blog post by Laura Wittmann from I’m an Organizing Junkie.

·         Clean something – Just the other day, I gave all my makeup brushes a thorough cleaning. They will be all set for the next time I need to do my makeup. You can also choose to wipe down a counter or vacuum a rug. Whether a small item or an entire room, nothing beats the feeling of enjoying a beautifully clean surface. If you didn’t get your Clorox Wipes in time before the hoarders bought up all the stock, check out this post by the CDC on how to make your own wipes.

·         Tackle a home project – Have you gathered the supplies for a home project and just haven’t gotten started? Well, now is the chance! As an added bonus, more people than ever are creating online content for free or reduced rates, so the right “how-to” video is out there!

·         Participate in a hobby – I think a lot of people accumulate the materials for working on a hobby project and then devote little time to doing it. With a bit of extra time on your hands, this is your chance to try out that hobby. You will either get great joy from creating something or at least some great amusement if it doesn't end up as you hoped.

·         Take an online class – There are tried and true platforms like Khan Academy where you can take a class for free. Also, many people who work in performance or fitness fields are currently offering free or relatively cheap classes online via word of mouth. Check them out for something interesting to explore!

From relaxation to self-improvement, self-care can take a multitude of forms. I hope this list will help you find a solution other than Netflix and Chill. With a little creativity, we can fight the anxiety and the boredom that social distancing can create.